
Showing posts from February, 2017
Questions 1. How can cellphones be used in the classroom? 2. How can tablets be used in the classroom? 3. How can electronics be versatile in the classroom? 4. How can tech be used in the classroom? 5. What are some strategies to use with tech in the classroom?


Stringer 1 Zachary Stringer February 2, 2017 Period 1 English 12 Technology in the Classroom             Technology in the classroom has a lot of controversy, you might say that it is a distraction, others may say that it is a benefit to the students and the teachers. In this proposal I want to address the teachers and the administration about the benefits that cellphones and other technology can have in the classroom. The reason that I am addressing this particular subject is because I feel that cellphones, personal computers, tablets, and many other forms of technology in the classroom can be a substantial benefit. Personally I have benefited from being able to use my personal laptop in the classroom has been a great way to communicate to the teacher when turning in assignments and having that extra resource to talk on a one to one basis. The most frequently asked question that has been asked on this subject is “How can this benefit the student when most of the time