
Stringer 1
Zachary Stringer
February 2, 2017
Period 1
English 12
Technology in the Classroom
Technology in the classroom has a lot of controversy, you might say that it is a distraction, others may say that it is a benefit to the students and the teachers. In this proposal I want to address the teachers and the administration about the benefits that cellphones and other technology can have in the classroom. The reason that I am addressing this particular subject is because I feel that cellphones, personal computers, tablets, and many other forms of technology in the classroom can be a substantial benefit. Personally I have benefited from being able to use my personal laptop in the classroom has been a great way to communicate to the teacher when turning in assignments and having that extra resource to talk on a one to one basis.
The most frequently asked question that has been asked on this subject is “How can this benefit the student when most of the time students are being distracted by their cellphones?” My answer to this question would be to channel the use of the cellphones into a more productive state. One strategy is to give the students an interactive assignment such as kahoot to make the class feel like game and at the same time they are learning as they go. If the student uses his or her cellphone or personal computer to do an assignment or to do their bell work on they won’t be using it to text their friends or to update their status on social media, they will be using it for something to help better themselves.
While researching this project I found a list of grants that help to get tablets and other portable electronics in the classroom this list will help teachers find. My plan is to create a website to help identify what strategies teachers can use to channel the use of cellphones in the class and how to fund the different types of technology. I have found a list of websites that help to fund classrooms for technological advances. These grants can then be used to buy software for the students’ cellphones. In turn can make student interaction more fun and creative.

The object is to create an environment in the classroom that makes transition of assignments easier and accessible from anywhere The students and teachers will be able to communicate freely and be able to work with the assignments and turn them in paperless in order to reduce the amount of un-organization. My goals are to help children become more technologically inclined in the classroom to make teaching easier.  This will help teachers with grading assignments to make it go quicker and easier.
In conclusion this project is to help teachers and school administration that there is funding out there to help get tablets, laptops, and other portable electronics in the classroom.
Stringer 2
Technology in the classroom can be a great benefit. I have found that tablets in the classroom are an easier way for students to interact with the assignments and be more productive in the long run.

Work Cited Page
1. "Education Technology Grants." Engaging Technologies. N.p., 14 Dec. 2016. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.
2. "Educators of America | Connecting Teachers to Technology & Resources."Educators of America | Connecting Teachers to Technology & Resources. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

3. "Battelle STEM Grants Program." Battelle STEM Grant Program. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.


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